Ms. McPhee's Math and Physics Pages

Ms. McPhee teaches a lesson in momentum

Knowledge is better than ignorance

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Welcome! What would you like to do?

See my course page:

Class calendar, class notes, handouts, assignments, solutions, and more! (These haven't been set up yet. Check back in a week or so.))

Look at/adjust my marks, request an assignment extension, or request a reference:

Marks: Only current classes are available. Your password is your student id. You can also look at a sample report. Click here to enter the web portal. If you have been working on test corrections, complete this form to keep track of your progress.

Assignment Extension Request: This must be completed the same day as the assignment is due for me to accept your assignment late. Click here to go to the form. NOTE: Your late assignment is due the next school day or I will not accept it, unless you have made other arrangements with me in advance.

Request a Reference form: Click here to request a reference from Ms. McPhee. You will need to be logged in to your TDSB Google account to access the form. You will receive a copy of your responses, and you can edit your responses by clicking on the link in the email. I will need at least 1 week's notice to write a reference.

Check out some useful resources:

You can see my personal tips on how to do well in math and science, including my marking key (or this marking key...)

You can access some practice sheets, watch my how-to videos (closed captioning is coming), and get information about flipped lessons.

You can see my annotated list of recommended books and websites , including simulations, organized by course. I've listed some important general ones below.

More resources

Look at some Math & Physics Art:

This section is still under construction. Stay tuned...

Look at other Jarvis social media:

Find Ms. McPhee

What happens to Ms. McPhee when you leave class? Do I disappear into the aether, waiting for your return? No, no, I'm probably doing this .

Sci-Eng club meets regularly. Click here for the information form.

If it's outside of school hours, I might be doing this.

To email me, copy the following into your mail program, then replace the 'dot's with dots and the 'at' with @: andrea dot mcphee at tdsb dot on dot ca. Please note that if you are a student, I will only reply to emails from your TDSB account.

Follow me on Twitter for homework, fun links, and occasional announcements:

(Uh, what on earth is the aether?)

© A. McPhee, 2007-20.

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